Pyol Thompson, LCPC
It takes a lot of courage and strength to reach out for help. I want to commend you for starting on the path to healing and being a healthier you.
I am a pansexual non-binary fem presenting queer multiracial sex positive therapist.
I am driven to work with populations that have been marginalized in our society and culture. This includes but is not limited to LGBTQ+, Polyamory, and Kink communities as well as individuals that are living in a multiracial home and existence.
Living on what feels like the border of society is stressful, even more if your close family and loved ones don’t accept who you are. I want to provide a safe space to address the unique and regular concerns of individuals that are unheard.
I have in experience providing motivational talk therapy, CBT, and I am trained in basic EMDR therapy. My current specializations are trauma, anxiety, depression, and grief. Another aspect I address is end of life. Due to death being a taboo topic in our society too often people do not feel they can address concerns regarding death, either theirs or someone close to them. I wish to provide a safe space to do so.
I became a therapist due to a desire to help those that have survived trauma. To demonstrate compassion and provide a non-judgmental space. To show individuals that they have value and are valued. We all deserve a space to be safe, express our concerns and be validated.
I look forward to seeing if we are a good fit for each other.

"The soul is not the same thing as the mind. For it is one thing to live and another thing to think. And it is the mind of the sleeping person that is at rest - not the soul. And in those that are insane, it is the mind that is not functioning; the soul continues to function. For that reason, they are said to be out of their minds..."
What To Expect At Your Visit
Learn About My Methods
My professional philosophy can be summed up in the acronym PUP.
Process your past
Understand you present
Plan for the future
I practice MultiModal Therapy (MMT) which means that I will utilize more than one treatment modality to work with you based on your needs. I utilize proven therapy techniques to assist you in being able to heal and to eventually to help yourself. Allowing you to eventually reach the point of coping without intervention from myself. This doesn't happen overnight, it is a process that takes investment from both of us to make small changes that will create a long standing difference.
My techniques are motivational talk therapy, CBT, and basic EMDR.
My areas of specialty are Trauma, Grief, Depression, and Anxiety
I have a focus on assisting individuals experiencing the struggles that living in a multiracial home and existence entail as well individuals in the LGBTQ+, Polyamory, and Kink communities. I am also a sex positive therapist.
The two of us will be getting to know each other and see if we are able to work together. I will be inquiring as to why you sought out therapy and what you want to achieve in therapy.
I will assess what your support network looks like and what your symptoms are.
Depending on your unique situation we may need to some Work before the Work. What this means is that I will guide you through tools you will need to be able to regulate yourself once we start desensitizing and reprocessing since it can be distressing and triggering.
Process the past:
Once it is safe to do so we will progress with Reprocessing and Desensitization.
Understand your present:
Drawing light onto how your past has lead to the way you do/thing/react today. Based on your unique needs we will utilize some or all of the system listed below.
Plan for the future:
Figuring out what you want to do/think/react in the future. Then working towards that as how you do/think/react going forward.

Personalized Care and Guidance

EMDR Basic trained
I am basic trained in Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) through the EMDR institute as of
February 2021
For an explanation of what EMDR is and how is works please refer to
If you come to me specifically for EMDR I can create a treatment plan for you that is specialized in this.
I do also utilize in EMDR into my talk therapy just as I utilize Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) based on your needs.
Certified Clinical Trauma Professional
Official Certificate through Evergreen Certification as of
September 2021
This certification provided education in the application of the following treatment interventions:
Cognitive Behavioral Techniques (CBT)
Bilateral Stimulation
Thought Field Therapy (TFT)
Narrative Exposure Therapy Technique

Certified Death Midwife
Certified through Earth traditions as of
January 2017
Death is as sacred as Birth
The role as a death midwife is different from the funeral industry and the medical industry. I will help you navigate the space between these two that can often leave you feeling lost without a map.
While I do NOT provide death midwifery as a separate service, the training with Earth tradition has provided me education in:
Coping with the grief of dying
Assisting you in figuring out what you wish to do with your remains and what your options are legally
Getting your affairs in order
I can also potentially provide you with information if you wish to obtain the services of a Death Midwife who can be hands on in assisting you in communicating with the funeral industry and more.
If you would like to know more please refer to the link below
Masters Degree
I obtained my Masters degree through Adler University
(Formerly Adler School of Professional Psychology) as of
August 2013
I specialized in Forensic Psychology due to my
desire to attend courses that provided education
specifically in working with trauma.
I sat for the licensure exam, passed and gained board
certification in 2018 after gaining experience and supervision
working with the non profit Thresholds
in Chicago for several years.

Insurance Accepted

United Behavioral Health
Accepted Insurance

Accepted Insurance

Blue Cross Blue Shield
Accepted Insurance
Privacy Practices
Your Confidentiality Matters
This notice describes how medical information about you may be used, disclosed, and how get access to this information. PLEASE REVIEW THIS NOTICE CAREFULLY.
Your health record contains personal information about you and your health. This information about that may identify you and that relates to your past, present, or future physical or mental health or condition and related health care services is referred to as Protected Health Information (“PHI”). This Notice of Privacy Practices describes how I may use and disclose you PHI in accordance with applicable laws and the APA code of ethics. It also describes your rights regarding how you may gain access to and control you PHI.
Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPPA”), I am required to maintain the privacy of PHI and to provide you with notice of my legal duties and privacy practice at any time. Any new Notice of Privacy Practices will be effective for all PHI that I maintain at that time. I will provide you with a copy of the revised Notice of Privacy Practices by sending you a copy in the mail or e-mail upon request or providing one to you at you next appointment.
How I may use and disclose health information about you:
For Treatment: Your PHI may be used and disclosed by those who are involved in your care for the purpose of providing, coordinating, or managing your health care treatment and related services. This includes consultation with clinical supervisors or other treatment team members. I may disclose PHI to any other consultant only with your authorization.
For Payment: I may use and disclose PHI so that I can receive payment for the treatment services provided to you. If it becomes necessary to use collection processes due to lack of payment for services, I will only disclose the minimum amount of PHI necessary for the purposes of collection.
For Health Care Operations: I may use or disclose, as needed, you PHI in order to support my business activities including but not limited to quality assessment activities, licensing, and conducting or arranging for other business activities. For example, I may share your PHI with third parties that perform various business activities (e.g. billing or typing services) provided I have a written contract with the businesses that requires it to safeguard the privacy of your PHI. For training or teaching purposes PHI will be disclosed only with your authorization. I may use PHI to contact you to provide appointment reminders or information about treatment alternatives or other health related benefits and services that may be of interest to you.
Required by Law: Under the law, I must make disclosures of your PHI to you upon your request. In addition, I must make disclosures to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services for the purpose of investigating or determining my compliance with the requirement of the Privacy Rule.
Without Authorization: Applicable law and ethical standards permit me to disclose information about you without your authorization only in a limited number of other situations. Types of uses and disclosures that may be made without your authorization are those that are:
Required by law, such as the mandatory reporting of child abuse or neglect or elder abuse, or mandatory government agency audits or investigations (such as the psychology licensing board or the health department)
Required by Court Order
Necessary to prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to the health or safety of a person or the public. If information is disclosed to prevent or lessen a serious threat it will be disclosed to a person or persons reasonably able to prevent or lessen the threat, including the target of that threat.
When the use and disclosure without your consent or authorization is allowed under other sections of Section 164.512 of the Privacy Rule and the state’s confidentiality law. This includes certain narrowly defined disclosures to law enfrcement agencies, to a health oversight agency (such as HH5 or state health department), to a coroner or medical examiner, for public health purposes relating to disease or FDA-regulated products, or for specialized government functions such as fitness for military duties, eligibility for VA benefits, and national security and intelligience.
Verbal Permission: I may use or disclose your information to family members that are directly involved in your treatment with your verbal permission.
With Authorization: Uses and disclosures not specifically permitted by applicable law will be made only with your written authorization, which may be revoked.
Your Rights Regarding Your PHI
You have the following rights regarding PHI I maintain about you. To exercise any of these rights, please submit your request in writing to me.
Right of Access to Inspect and Copy: You have the right, which may be restricted only in exceptional circumstances, to inspect and copy PHI that may be used to make decisions about your care. Your right to inspect and copy PHI will be restricted only in those situations where there is compelling evidence that access would cause serious harm to you. I may charge a reasonable, cost based fee for copies.
Right to Amend: If you feel that the PHI I have about you is incorrect or incomplete, you may ask me to amend the information although I am not required agree to the amendment.
Right to an Accounting of Disclosures: You have the right to request an accounting of disclosures that I make of your PHI. I may charge you a reasonable fee if you request more than one accounting in any 12-month period.
Right to Request Restrictions: You have the right to request a restriction or limitation on the use or disclosure of you PHI for treatment, payment, or health care operations. I am not required to agree to your request.
Right to Request Confidential Communication: You have the right to request that I communicate with you about medical matters in a certain way or at a certain location.
You have the right to restrict certain disclosures of PHI to a health plan when you pay out of pocket in full for my services.
You have the right to be notified if: (a) there is a breach (a use or disclosure of your PHI in violation of the HIPAA Privacy Rule) involving your PHI; (b) that PHI has not been encrypted to government standards; and (c) my risk assessment fails to determine that there is a low probability that your PHI has been compromised.
Right to a Copy of this Notice: You have a right to a copy of this notice.
If you believe I have violated your privacy rights, you have the right to file a complaint in writing with Pyol Thompson. I will not retaliate against you for filing a complaint.
During Corona
For the foreseeable future for both the safety of you and myself all my services will only be provided in the form of tele-health. This means is I will do sessions online via Video on Doxy or by phone.